Programs — Cajal Academy

Cajal Academy has moved to South Norwalk—come see our beautiful new facility!

Empowering kids to optimize their own learning, social & emotional outcomes

Paradigm-shifting education

A paradigm shift in how we understand, and empower, kids

Highly-individualized programs are at the center of how we challenge, support and empower kids. Where other programs accommodate difficulties like ADHD, dyslexia and more, we have made a paradigm shift in how we understand, and treat, those needs. For the student, these components—and our community—come together through standards-based project-based learning, giving our students the opportunity to master and apply these skills in the settings where they need them most.

Over the five years that we have developed these protocols, the results for our students have been nothing short of transformative, across a wide array of profiles. A middle schooler who jumped from a 1st to an 8th grade level in both reading and writing in a single year, because we identified and addressed the dyspraxia that was driving it. An early elementary student with dyslexia who jumped from below to above reading level in a single year because we built up the splinter skills that made it difficult for them to remember what words look like (orthographic processing) — a key component of reading. A high schooler who overcame the physical, emotional and cognitive impacts of a spinal cord defect and graduated from Cajal ready to study architecture at RISD: the top art school in the country. Apply today to find out how we can help empower your child to optimize their learning, social and emotional experiences!


A paradigm shift in how we understand children’s difficulties

Model of a human brain, with the words "What if you could reduce the challenges that stand in the way of how they learn?"

A paradigm shift in how we address children’s difficulties—and move them forward!


We create highly-individualized programs for each student and then bring even our most unique kids together through stimulating, project-based learning

With the exception of the kids in our Core Program Level, each student receives a highly-individualized program that is tailored to the data in their neuropsychological and neurophysiological profiles. These programs are designed as we get to know your child throughout the admissions process, and contains a mix of elements from the list below that will best move your child forward, applying our ground-breaking approach. Scroll down to see sample programs for some of the common profiles within our cohort.

Tuition levels are set based on the specific needs to be addressed, and the level of interdisciplinary collaboration required to do so. You can learn about our tuition ranges here, however we are unable to provide tuition levels until we have made our full analysis to identify the specific skill deficits driving the child’s presentation, over the full course of the admissions process.

Specialized programs for unique populations of kids

Cajal’s range of programming levels allows us to provide expert, highly-individualized programs for a diverse group of bright and gifted kids, who learn and grow together as a unified community. This includes comprehensive programming that move beyond accommodation to actually remediate challenges that have previously been understood to be immutable “disabilities.”

Across the country, very few schools integrate academic programming appropriate to kids with very high cognitive profiles with specialized instruction, diagnostic and therapeutic services and expertise. Our program was designed by a social entrepreneur who is a generalist problem solver and “mom” to two kids in this unique cohort, together with an expert, multi-disciplinary team of experienced educators, licensed therapists and a recognized neuropsychologist. Together, they have developed an innovative program that leverages new neuroscientific research and understandings to identify and address the challenges holding kids back—not just accommodate them.

As the number of families we serve grows, we are making connections that don’t appear in the literature—and that have led to specialized programs for kids having certain archetypal profiles. We will always include students in our cohort whose profiles are unique enough to require their own mix, but the links below will give you an idea of the mix of strategies we integrate into each child’s program to effectuate transformational growth.

Each of these programs contains a mix of traditional and Cajal-exclusive approaches to remediating learning disabilities, differentiating instruction in the classroom, social-emotional support and more, drawn from the elements that are described further below.


Here are some of the specialized programs we have developed thus far:


Pioneering School for EDS Kids

We are proud to be the first school anywhere in the world that provides research-backed programming empowering kids with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and other connective tissue disorders. Learn more about this exciting program, and how it has led to breakthroughs for education as a whole!


Connecticut’s outplacement school for twice exceptional kids

Cajal Academy is the only school in Connecticut or Westchester County, NY that offers special education programs combining both the intellectually-stimulating academics and integrated services from licensed therapists that twice exceptional students need. Being doubly-differently-wired means that 2e thinkers tend to bring different perspectives and make novel connections than others around them. This creates both challenges and opportunities unique to this special cohort of kids. Visit our 2e Kids Advocacy Center to learn more about this special cohort of kids.


Preparing teens with complex profiles to thrive independently in college and beyond

Our teen program gives bright and intellectually-gifted teens the opportunity to engage in meaningful, real world learning while giving them a toolbox and scientific understanding they can use in college and beyond to understand and optimize their own learning, social-emotional and physio experiences.


Complex learners and students considered to be in a “cohort of one”

Together with an expert diagnostic and therapeutic team, we have developed a new, data-driven approach leveraging well-established neuroscientific principles to identify and reduce the obstacles holding kids back—no matter how complicated and inter-related they may be. This includes students These programs come together through collaborative project-based learning and social programming, giving all students with multiple learning disabilities, unique social-emotional journeys and/or neurophysiological profiles the opportunity to develop social-emotional and executive function skills that are essential to 21st century success.

An occupational therapist leads two children in exercises improving gross motor planning and coordination.

Comprehensive programs for students with dyspraxia, dysgraphia & other motor coordination disorders

Struggles with gross and/or fine motor planning and coordination tend to be underdiagnosed, but can display as a student who “hates” to write, fails to write out the steps in math, avoids athletics or struggles with basic life skills required to get out the door in the morning. Learn more about this challenging learning disability and our specialized program for addressing these needs.


1st of its kind program for kids with chronic medical conditions

Our “Zebras Program” is a first-of-its-kind program empowering super bright kids who have chronic (& often complex) medical conditions that variably impact their learning, social and emotional experiences how to self-monitor, self-manage and self-advocate for their needs. We provide specialized instruction giving children personalized strategies they can use to self-monitor, self-manage and self-advocate for needs driven by complex connective tissue, immunological, neurovascular, musculoskeletal and other disorders, facilitating independence in mainstream environments.


Sensory Processing Disorder

Students with sensory processing disorder are often misdiagnosed with ADHD and/or mood regulation disorders, when in fact they are struggling with an inefficiency in how the brain processes sensory information. Learn more about how to recognize the signs of sensory processing disorder, and our specialized programming to address it.


Cajal Academy is an avowedly inclusive community, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical disability or any other protected class.

Integrated diagnostic and clinical expertise

Diagnostic and clinical expertise are integrated into the classroom for all students—those with IEPs and those without—to identify what problem they most need our help to solve, “move the needle” and then give the child agency through tools and understanding they can apply across settings.

No child should have to choose between academic challenge and the support they need to thrive.

I love learning. I haven’t felt this way for about four years!
— Cajal Academy high school student

All Cajal Academy programs integrate both stimulating academic programs and highly-personalized individual growth plans that leverage neuroplasticity to build up the skills they need to overcome any weaknesses in their otherwise strong neuropsychological and neurophysio profiles. Find out more about these core elements of our program below.

was founded on the premise that children can only fulfill their full human potential when they are given the opportunity to discover and experience their own gifts—and that this shouldn’t come at the cost of the expertise and support they need to overcome obstacles and have agency over their own life-lived experiences. Achieving this balance is especially important (and challenging!) for children having complex learning, social, sensory and/or neurological profiles. Our program is specifically-designed to meet these students’ needs, while leveraging modern neuroscientific research to address—not just accommodate—their differences, enabling them to thrive independently in the academic, social and professional settings of their own choosing.



Summer at Cajal Academy

Apply now for your child to join our upcoming summer program, where they will experience our unique program and work with Cajal’s own teachers and licensed therapists. Priority is given to students currently enrolled at Cajal, or who are enrolled for the following school year. Accepting applications now.