Cajal Academy is a growing, innovative school for bright and intellectually-gifted students in grades K-12 who have very high analytical reasoning and/or creative thinking skills. Many of the children in our program also have an area of learning, physio, neurological, social-emotional and/or chronic medical differences. These include ADHD, sensory processing disorder, dyslexia, dysgraphia, motor coordination challenges, ASD, connective tissue disorders, MCAS and more, and includes kids considered to be in a cohort of one, or who are “twice exceptional.” All kids receive the benefit of the expertise from our licensed occupational therapist, physical therapists and recognized neuropsychologist/PhD-level psychologist, which are integrated into the classroom itself through our neuroscience-based and therapist-designed educational model.
Cajal Academy is a mixed age cohort by design, because many very bright kids form friendships more organically with kids who are older or younger than themselves, and often struggle to find common ground with kids their own age. Each student attends ability-based classes differentiated for their grade level and abilities, and participates in community-wide project-based learning endeavors in which the whole school community works together to develop solutions to real world problems.
Admissions decisions are made based on a variety of factors, including the suitability of our program for meeting your child’s needs and balancing an appropriate mix of needs, ages and abilities within our program. Programming needs and tuition levels are determined through the application process, based on the specifics of each child’s strengths and needs.
Cajal Academy is an avowedly inclusive community, and does not discriminate in its admissions, tuitions or programming on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical disability or other protected class.
We’ve moved!
We are thrilled to announce that Cajal Academy has moved to an iconic new home in the center of SONO! This historic building has been fully modernized—the perfect match for our work to modernize education! Sign up for an Information Session or Tour to come see how our new home is elevating educational experiences for bright, gifted and twice exceptional kids!
Mid-year Placements
We have a openings for immediate enrollment in our elementary, middle and high school programs. Programming and tuition levels are determined through the admissions process, so interested families are encouraged to complete our online application.
Summer Program
Join Cajal Academy’s summer program to give your child a chance to experience our unique approach 1st hand and for you to see how we can help.