Learning and Growing as a Single, Unified Community

We break down the silos between educators, clinicians and kids, learning and growing as one community with a culture of shared growth and diversity. Our staff models for our students that we all have “Not Yet Skills” we are working to overcome, and we are not shy about sharing our belief that the greatest application of our students’ gifts is to be of service to the communities they care about. Our students develop a scientific understanding of humans’ great neurodiversity, along with social skills they can use to foster communities that are truly inclusive to the neuro-diverse kids they encounter outside our school walls, in community-based sports, arts and civic engagement. Together, these approaches transform student profiles that are typically associated with social challenges into powerful social leaders. This is another way that Cajal Academy is redefining what’s possible for twice exceptional kids and for education more broadly.

Our Team

Our ground-breaking educational model was developed by Cheryl Viirand: a mother to two twice exceptional kids who is a social entrepreneur and former attorney—and passionate that we have a moral imperative to use all available science to remove any barrier that stands in a child’s way. She joined forces with Heather Edwards, MS OTR/L a visionary, licensed occupational therapist, and with internationally-renowned neuropsychologist Steven Mattis, PhD, A.B.P.P. Together, they have built an expert, multi-disciplinary team of educators and clinicians who are passionate about empowering intellectually-gifted kids and teens.

Integrated Diagnostic & Treatment Services

Expert clinical and diagnostic services by our licensed OTs, PTs, SLP, CSTs and PhD-level psychologist are seamlessly integrated with our academic programming. Our innovative clinical approach brings transformational change to even the most complex learners through new, inter-disciplinary treatment protocols that are infused directly into the classroom to accelerate academic and social-emotional growth.

A Diverse, K-12 Community of Intellectually Gifted Kids

We work with some of the brightest kids in our region. Our mixed age cohort of kids master intellectually-stimulating academics within ability-based groupings, and collaborate across ages to solve real world problems applying that knowledge. This develops older students’ leadership skills and confidence, while providing valuable mentors to their younger peers.