A Day of Gratitude
A Day of Gratitude
The papers were cut, the markers were out--and yet, it seemed we hardly knew where to begin.
Every day at Cajal Academy, we talk about the "Yet's:" those skills that we haven't "yet" mastered--a powerful way to teach and experience a growth mindset while maintaining perspective on the challenges.
But for the day before Thanksgiving, we turned that lens on something that feels somehow even bigger: gratitude.
Gratitude for all the growth we have each already accomplished.
Gratitude for the extraordinary team that has helped us to come this far.
Gratitude for the science that didn't exist when we grownups were kids but that points the way to better life-lived experiences for our children.
Gratitude for the fascinations and the talents that bring us joy.
And gratitude for each of you and the encouragement you've given us on this journey.
Pretty soon, what had started out as string, brightly colored squares of paper and a bucket of markers had turned into a testament to what feels to us like a pretty remarkable moment--and a garland of gratitude that spanned the full length of our new community space. Such a wonderful way to kick off the holiday weekend.