What gifts will you unlock?

We’ve made a break-through for the field of education: our Student Catalysts are a research-backed, neurodevelopmental approach that’s proving effective at reducing or even removing learning and in some cases social-emotional disabilities

Many of the students in our cohort of kids with high analytical reasoning and/or creative thinking skills have complex learning profiles. These may include learning, executive function, social-emotional, sensory, neurophysiological or chronic medical differences that interfere with their ability to access and enjoy those gifts.

For these students, we augment our general curriculum with a student “Catalyst:” a data-driven and multi-disciplinary program that meets students where they are, delivered by expert licensed therapies in the fields of neuropsychology, psychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech and language pathology. Like a student’s IEP in public school settings, this program incorporates a mixture of services by licensed therapists, accommodations and academic differentiation, but unlike an IEP, each student’s Catalyst provides a roadmap for how to reduce or even remove those challenges, through a mix of traditional and Cajal-exclusive approaches, applying the well-established principle of neuroplasticity.

These programs are integrated directly into the project-based learning, social-emotional curriculum and agency and growth mindset coaching in our “Vision to Voice” curriculum, accelerating the pace of progress and helping them to find the courage to try things that have previously been hard for them.



Parent Testimonials