Our Vision to Voice Curriculum gives innovative thinkers the executive function, peer collaboration and leadership skills they’ll need to thrive in college and beyond
Drawing on her experience as a social entrepreneur and educational innovator from a family of twice exceptional thinkers, our co-founder engineered our program from the bottom up to develop the 'toolbox' that kids with naturally innovative ideas need to discover their passions, develop a personal sense of agency and purpose, and develop the leadership, collaboration, and communication skills that differently wired and gifted thinkers need to transform their unique perspectives into meaningful impact. These skills are hard to acquire in the self-directed milieu of college, so we make them a priority in our program, reaching beyond the demands of the state curriculum standards. And, all this happens within a nurturing community where neurodiversity is embraced and students celebrate each others’ growth.
Every student’s program is individualized using their own unique Cajal Compass: a data-driven understanding of their strengths and weaknesses that provides a lodestar students can use to optimize their own learning and social-emotional experiences.
We take this a step further for students whose learning, social-emotional, neurophysiological or chronic medical differences interfere with their access to their full gifts, with our ground-breaking, Catalyst Method reducing or even removing these challenges through a neurodevelopmental approach available only at Cajal.
This innovators’ curriculum is delivered through project-based learning, community-driven social leadership curriculum and specialized coaching. Use these links to learn more about these elements of our program, or scroll down to find out more about the skills we teach through our Vision to Voice curriculum.