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Education should be based on the science of how kids learn.

There has been a revolution in scientists’ understanding of how kids learn.

It’s time to bring those insights into the classroom.

At a time when the field of education is being thrown into a state of disarray, Cajal Academy is innovating education by grounding every element of curriculum design and the classroom experience in what scientists now understand about how children’s brains develop, how their bodies inform their learning, social and emotional experiences—and what strategies prove effective to change those outcomes. The net result is a new educational approach and new model for what school can look like—one that’s bringing transformational results, even for some of our most complex learners, with the promise to dramatically reduce the costs of special education as we know it today.

We’ve developed these innovations working with cohorts of 5-10 kids at a time, and recently relocated into our beautiful historic home in the center of South Norwalk so we can expand to serve up to 50 kids. Find out about our innovations, or apply today to see how your child can grow with us, and how our innovative approaches can empower your child for a future defined not by the things that hold them back but by their strengths.


Cajal Center for Educational Innovation


We’ve made a break-through for the field of education, by leveraging connections between the body and the brain to accelerate learning while transforming learning profiles

Cajal Academy puts the science behind body-brain connections at the heart of our program, through a whole new model for school—redefining what education can do

Three fundamental shifts in our understanding of how children learn, socialize and grow are at the heart of Cajal Academy’s groundbreaking program. Both are by now well-established in the scientific literature. Until now, neither has been operationalized in our schools.

  1. The human brain is constantly rewiring itself to improve its ability to do the things we ask it to do (a principle called Neuroplasticity).

  2. Each skill we learn builds on a neural foundation developed through the skills that you’ve learned before.

  3. Connections between the body and the brain play a big a role in our learning and social-emotional experiences (both positively and negatively), just as our emotions do.

Putting these three core principles together, we’re unlocking children’s gifts through research-backed approaches that are proving successful at transforming learning disabilities like dyslexia, dyspraxia, language processing disorders and dyspraxia.


The Model

A top-down investigation followed by a bottom-up approach to transforming complex learners from struggling to keep up, to ready to lead

The Science

Connections between the body and brain are an untapped power source for accelerating academic learning and even rewiring the brain to reduce learning and social-emotional disabilities


The Legal Context

Our Neuroplasticity School model elevates and realizes the vision of the IDEA

The Results

Read case studies and parent testimonials, and see what’s possible when we put neuroscience at the center of educational approaches!



Neuroscience points the way for how education can meet the needs of a more diverse group of kids

We believe passionately that we can best move forward as a culture and as a nation by digging into the science of what makes us different from one another, and then using that knowledge to create new educational and cultural frameworks that authentically build common ground between us. These differences are real and ever-present in the classroom; the question is only whether the student will bear the burden of bridging those gaps, or whether we will put a framework in place that gives the teacher agency to help their students do so—and that empowers therapists to apply the strategies and skills they already have to actually close gaps in student abilities rather than just churn them over, year after year, through accommodations.

Here are some of the ways that these principles are embedded in all we do.

Neurodiverse Communities

We teach students how our neurology influences our social interactions, & how to apply that knowledge to foster truly inclusive, neurodiverse communities

Inclusion through modernization

Find out why modernizing the classroom to match current neuroscience is essential to reducing outplacements and meeting the needs of more kids within a mainstream classroom



Partnering with Public School Districts

We’re making special education more effective, while decreasing its cost

All of our innovations are delivered by licensed therapists who are already present in public schools across the country, and utilize strategies that those therapists already know how to do—we’re just using them in new ways. Likewise, we start with the data in the well-normed assessments that public schools are already collecting—we just look at that data in a new way that allows us to get behind the diagnostic labels that describe what a problem looks like to identify the neurocognitive or neurophysio skill that’s driving that presentation so we can actually solve it.

The result is a fundamentally different approach to special education, under which we close the gap between the child’s current “Not Yet Skills” (as we call them) and their strengths, rather than just accommodate for the different between their “disabilities” and the abilities of their mainstream peers. For the gifted and “twice exceptional” kids that we work with, the results of this approach can be dramatic, with rapid improvements in both learning and such wide-ranging social-emotional impacts as perfectionism, academic anxiety, demand avoidance, school refusal and disruptive classroom behaviors.

Economically, this translates to a totally different “ROI” or “return on investment” for our families, and for sending school districts. Our students have made up as many as 6 grade levels in reading and writing in as little as 6 months, and transformed from socially isolated to recognized social leaders. Some students who come to Cajal with even significant special education needs may be able to transition from Cajal back to a mainstream “general education” population after only a few years, drastically reducing their cost over the course of their educational lifetime.


Attend an Info Session to learn more about our program and the science behind it!

Cajal Academy Information Session

Apply Today

Immediate, Summer and Fall Placements; Rolling Admissions

We’re revolutionizing special education, through a paradigm-shift in how we understand student needs, and a second paradigm-shift in how we address them

Each student’s program is highly-individualized, using the data in their own profile to customize their learning, social and physio development. We integrate these learnings together for each child through our unique Growth Mindset and Agency Coaching, empowering them to continue their own growth in the community and beyond. Find out more about the exclusive interventions at the core of our model.


Our exclusive Catalyst Method uses the data in each child’s profile to get behind the labels and identify what problem they need our help to solve

Our ground-breaking, research-backed program reduces or removes learning disabilities by enhancing the neurocognitive skills that drive them

We “leap frog” social skill deficits by giving kids a toolbox they can use to foster truly inclusive, neurodiverse communities

We empower each student with the learnings they need to use body-brain connections to their advantage