Education should be based on the science of how kids learn.
There has been a revolution in scientists’ understanding of how kids learn.
It’s time to bring those insights into the classroom.
At a time when the field of education is being thrown into a state of disarray, Cajal Academy is innovating education by grounding every element of curriculum design and the classroom experience in what scientists now understand about how children’s brains develop, how their bodies inform their learning, social and emotional experiences—and what strategies prove effective to change those outcomes. The net result is a new educational approach and new model for what school can look like—one that’s bringing transformational results, even for some of our most complex learners, with the promise to dramatically reduce the costs of special education as we know it today.
We’ve developed these innovations working with cohorts of 5-10 kids at a time, and recently relocated into our beautiful historic home in the center of South Norwalk so we can expand to serve up to 50 kids. Find out about our innovations, or apply today to see how your child can grow with us, and how our innovative approaches can empower your child for a future defined not by the things that hold them back but by their strengths.
Cajal Center for Educational Innovation