Deborah Faulkner Crowell, PT, Physical Therapist
Deborah Faulkner Crowell has over 32 years of experience as a physical therapist. She treats both adults and children with a specialty in manual therapy.
Deborah has a passion for helping others and values the power of physical therapy to improve quality of life. Her treatment approach is one to one individualized care, ensuring the well being of her client and adjusting to their specific needs. Deborah utilizes manual therapy techniques such as myofascial release, soft tissue mobilization, craniosacral therapy, visceral mobilization and muscle energy techniques to address the body’s imbalances. She uses a holistic approach to the whole body, understanding the mind body connection. Addressing these issues allows the whole body to function properly.
Deborah has extensive experience working with individuals with autism, neurological dysfunction, learning disabilities, headaches and facial pain, joint hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and chronic pain issues and dysfunctions. Deb also has extensive experience with constipation, incontinence, digestive issues (including the dysmotility associated with EDS and other connective tissue disorders) and women’s health, and issues associated with breast cancer and lymphedema.
Deb graduated from Boston University in 1990 with a BS in Physical Therapy. Deb has extensive education in numerous manual therapy techniques including lymphatic work, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release and visceral mobilization. Deb has a private practice with locations in Fairfield and Stamford.