Integrated diagnostic and clinical expertise

Diagnostic and clinical expertise are integrated into the classroom for all students—those with IEPs and those without—to identify what problem they most need our help to solve, “move the needle” and then give the child agency through tools and understanding they can apply across settings.

No child should have to choose between academic challenge and the support they need to thrive.

I love learning. I haven’t felt this way for about four years!
— Cajal Academy high school student

All Cajal Academy programs integrate both stimulating academic programs and highly-personalized individual growth plans that leverage neuroplasticity to build up the skills they need to overcome any weaknesses in their otherwise strong neuropsychological and neurophysio profiles. Find out more about these core elements of our program below.

Cajal was founded on the premise that children can only fulfill their full human potential when they are given the opportunity to discover and experience their own gifts—and that this shouldn’t come at the cost of the expertise and support they need to overcome obstacles and have agency over their own life-lived experiences. Achieving this balance is especially important (and challenging!) for children having complex learning, social, sensory and/or neurological profiles. Our program is specifically-designed to meet these students’ needs, while leveraging modern neuroscientific research to address—not just accommodate—their differences, enabling them to thrive independently in the academic, social and professional settings of their own choosing.