Paradigm-shifting Education
We don’t just accommodate children’s unique profiles, we transform them through first-of-their-kind, research-backed programs.
We’ve made a break-through in education, by digging into the science of how children learn, socialize and grow and then applying it to the data in each child’s neuropsychological and neurophysiological profile. We identify the specific neurocognitive and neurophysiological skills holding a child back and then use a mixture of traditional and Cajal-exclusive approaches to rewire the child’s brain to reduce or remove learning, neurophysio and social-emotional difficulties that stand in their way. In the meantime, each child’s highly-customized program is differentiated to reduce the demand for those deficient skills, allowing them to access their strengths and experience their gifts. These custom programs come together through community-wide project-based learning units, giving all our students a shared, common purpose.
Follow these links to read more about this ground-breaking, research-backed approach and how we are using it to transform children’s profiles.
Our ground-breaking, research-backed program reduces or removes learning disabilities by enhancing the neurocognitive skills that drive them
We use the data in each child’s profile to examine the specific neurocognitive skill deficits driving learning difficulties like ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia and then “rewire the brain,” identifying and rebuilding missing links in the neurodevelopmental chain that drive the disability in the first place.
We meet kids at their baseline and help them move to where they want to be, through our exclusive Neuro- and Trauma-Informed Approach
We accelerate academic growth by helping kids understand how hidden neurophysiologic events undermine their regulation—and build up their ability to self-monitor, self-manage and self-advocate for those needs across settings.
We use the data in each child’s profile to create highly-individualized social-emotional learning programs
Just like our individualized academic programs, our social-emotional programs start with an analysis of where in the process a student’s social and emotional experiences tend to go awry, and how those difficulties relate to other aspects of their profile. We then put together a highly-personalized social-emotional learning program that gives the child increasing agency over their social-emotional experiences.
We “leap frog” social skill deficits by giving kids a toolbox they can use to foster truly inclusive, neurodiverse communities
We help students understand how their learning and neurophysio profils influence their experiences, and give them a 21st century toolbox for fostering truly-inclusive neurodivergent communities, turning social skill development into social leadership over the course of their program.
We empower each student with the learnings they need to use body-brain connections to their advantage
We’ve brought movement and the science of how our neurology influences learning and social-emotional experiences into the classroom, rather than pressuring kids to “sit still and listen!” We teach each child how to understand their own unique neurophysio profile and how they can use movement to optimize their own experiences. We take this further for students with complex neurophysio needs like motor coordination difficulties, sensory processing disorder and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and other chronic medial conditions.