A unique school for a unique set of kids.

All Cajal Academy students have one thing in common: very high analytical reasoning skills, as reflected in verbal, fluid and/or visual-spatial reasoning skills in the “very high” to “superior” range on standardized neuropsychological measures. Within this group, our students reflect a wide diversity of learning, social-emotional, physical, medical and/or neurophysiological differences. This duality creates a unique life-lived experience, with meaningfully different academic and social-emotional needs and opportunities. Find out more about our cohort of students, and how our program addresses their unique needs through new educational and therapeutic approaches that leverage their high analytical skills to give them agency over their learning, social and emotional experiences. All of our academic and therapeutic interventions are tailored for this special population of students, and leverages their outlying strengths to give them tools they can use to independently manage their needs within more mainstream settings.