Postcards from our Summer Program
Summer Postcards
Get a peek at our summer programming, 2022!
Our summer program kicked off last week, with a fantastic group of bright and curious kids who gathered from as far away as Texas to join our program!
As we do during the school year, we’ve given the kids a meaty, real world problem that they are working together to solve. This summer’s “driving question” is:
“How can we improve the ways we grow food in order to increase global food equity?”
Along the way, they are designing experiments to see how traditional growing practices compare with hydroponics, aquaponics and “lasagna gardening”; learning about global, national and local factors affecting equitable access to food worldwide; researching a scientific, technological or social issue providing depth to our understanding of the problem; and creating concept boards to present their proposed solutions to the problem.
Even more importantly, though, our students are learning about themselves, and how learning and growth work for all humans. As with all our programs, they’ve been up and moving through our body-informed learning, and learning the neuroscience of learning and what we can do to optimize our availability for learning and social-emotional experiences. We are watching “in real time” as they translate this information into a better understanding of themselves, and of one another. And, by the end of the first week the students had already begun to “gel” as a community.
Here are a few snapshots we’ve taken along the way; we can’t wait to see what the rest of the program will bring!