The science is here. We’re putting it to work for children.
Neuroscientists have made exciting discoveries over the last several decades that have yet to make it into the classroom. We are working to change that.
Cajal Academy is innovating education by grounding every element of curriculum design and the classroom experience in what scientists now understand about how children’s brains develop, how their bodies inform their learning, social and emotional experiences—and what strategies prove effective to change those outcomes. We are integrating this science with innovative educational models for academic and social-emotional learnings that are aligned with current neuroscientific understandings.
We’re on a mission to modernize education. Modern neuroscience points the way.
Parents and educators everywhere agree that traditional educational approaches aren’t working well for kids who are on the ends of the bell curve. We started designing through custom programs for intellectually-gifted kids who find themselves at the edges, and followed modern neuroscience to develop a new framework that brings more of the kids into the middle of the conversation.
Here are some resources to help you learn more about the science behind our approach:
Trauma-Related Resources
Learn more about how trauma, including prior academic trauma, impacts student learning, and about how the trauma-informed schools movement seeks to address this.
Learn more about neuroplasticity: the way that the brain constantly rewires itself to learn new ways of doing things and the basis of our interventions to decrease the gaps in kids’ neuropsychological profiles.
Neurophysiological Regulation
Find out more about how hidden neruophysiological events can influence children’s regulation, undermining their learning and social outcomes.
Embodied Cognition
Our Body-Informed Learning is based on research showing that learning retention and engagement increase when learning is paired with motor and sensory movement.